Tuesday 13 May 2014

Putting A Title For The Sake Of Putting A Title

I just have no idea what title should I put. Today ain't a special day except it is a public holiday and HAPPY VESAK DAY!!! To the ones working or having their internship, there'll be no public holiday until 28 July. Stay strong and pull it through to the next public holiday!


It's May!

Theme of the month! My system is made of unicorn, rainbow and whatever.


Sunday 11 May 2014

Sheep In A Fox Skin

Is it the weed socks? Or is it the whole look that eyes are on me? The way I dress myself look like a hooligan, bold and about to be reckless? This portrayal do really make strangers giving me the cold stare, like come on it's fashion! I can't even make adult phone calls and don't even get me saying about talking to strangers. It freaks me out! Today, there was a toddler was interested in my chain & she touched it, I smiled & she wanted to play with me or she just want my chain. In anyway, I tried to repel myself away but in the end, I keep smiling at her & she keep smiling back at me. Hope everyone is having a good day & if you're not, life is short not to be happy!


Happy Mother's Day!

To my mommy,
